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Nice to meet you.

Hi, I’m Brian, a Senior UX Designer in the SF Bay Area. Previous employers and clients include Microsoft, Amazon, University of Kansas, and UC Berkeley.


Recent exploration

This sample is from a Carbon design system modified to show my navigation, hierarchy, and responsive layouts tailored to various user stories. The project includes a bespoke Figma data plugin and a mini Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system.

Sample pages at 8 and 4 grid columns wide, showing adaptive layout via custom components that reconfigure based on breakpoints, responsive layout with line wraps, and horizontal table scrolling.


Outlook reading pane view

Microsoft 2012


I launched and designed new features, layouts, and patterns including threading, people suggestions, and categorization across Hotmail,, and Office 365.

View Outlook.​com
Shifts week view

Microsoft 2019

Microsoft Teams

Shifts is designed for managers and workers in retail stores, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing, and other service industries where workers often don't have a desk or computer.

View Microsoft Teams
Sustainable material for electronics

Innovation Magazine ’03

Winner, IDEA 2003
Gold Award

The Industrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) are dedicated to fostering business and public understanding of the importance of industrial design excellence to the quality of life and the economy.

View IDEA 2003 Gold Award
Barn door tracker built with LEGO parts

Built with LEGO parts

Barn Door Tracker

A star tracker follows the apparent motion of stars during long exposures. Paired with exposure scripting for small cameras, this could reduce the cost and weight for learning astrophotography.

View Barn Door Tracker